NVKMN Front End Changelog 1.0 Release! Added leave functionality Added vote percentage on state 3 Fixed 5 Bugs 0.9 You can now unselect a quote If alone in match, you automatically win Fixed bug: HTML entities rendering. 0.8 Styled Player List Added force SSL on page load Game goes to ended state if true bingo You can now vote on true or false bingo Now displays bingo card on bingo 0.7 Possible to play a quote 0.6 Anonimized website. Fixed bug: Card briefly visible on load. Styled link to changelog. Added link to changelog to the page footer. 0.5 Added second app state, you are now able to create or join a game. Added form validation to app state 0. Added favicons and meta tags for colors. Added version number to the page footer. 0.4 Quote page is now dynamic, and loads quotes from API. Added a form used to create or join a game. 0.3 Made the entire web app mobile friendly for all phones supporting HTML5. Expanded stylesheets behind the scenes. 0.2 Added a second page and a working navigation system Added partner logos to the footer 0.1 Created static webpage that functions as a baseline for the design.